City of Roses

by May 20, 2014

Do you think it’s open?

Why do you ask? Because it’s the middle of winter?

International Rose Test Garden tl;dr

For whatever reason we were under the impression that there would be something to see. Suffice to say, considering the season of fall that was reigning supreme overall that was Portland, we should have known better. However all things considered it was an experience into adventuring into the unknown no matter the cost.

Long story short, we took a long bus ride to the closest stop to the international rose garden from where we hiked the remaining few miles in the cold drizzle. Upon reaching our destination we were greeted with rows and rows and rows of bushes. Nothing but bushes. Bushes and more bushes of bushes.

I think you get the impression that we were inundated with bare bushes because roses don’t grow nor bloom during the colder months. However equipped with my vivid imagination and having recently visited the Santa Clara rose garden I was able to imagine what it would like… and let me tell you that it was glorious. After a quick use to relieve my bladder at the nearby facility we trekked all the way back to the bus stop….
miles away…
in the cold….
and the drizzle.

You're going to eat, you might as well eat something tasty.
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